Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_Doctorants

Séminaire Doctoral / Seminar PhD

« UNCOVERing galaxies with JWST »

Iryna Chemerynska
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (Paris, France)

The new era of observation has begun with JWST. The first series of observations has already revealed surprising results regarding high-redshift galaxies. In particular, the number density and stellar mass of these sources defy current theoretical predictions of galaxy formation. While these galaxies might be a particular case of rare enhancement of star formation due to the limited survey area, these exciting findings highlight the potential for JWST to probe the early stages of galaxy formation.

In this presentation I will talk about the results of our new search for high-redshift galaxies at z>9 using ultra-deep NIRCam observations of the lensing cluster Abell 2744 as part of our JWST Cycle 1 program UNCOVER. We found 15 candidates at 9 < z < 12 and 3 candidates at 12 < z < 13, some of those galaxies show not only the Lyman break, but also a Balmer break. We will also talk about the luminosity function. Finally, I will discuss the implications of our results regarding recent JWST observations and theoretical predictions.
vendredi 9 juin 2023 - 16:00
Salle du Conseil, Institut d'Astrophysique
Page web du séminaire / Seminar's webpage